Wednesday, 5 January 2011

Research 13

Every year without fail Britain presents a show this show is played on ITV, this show is called Britains Pride Awards,This shows accomplishments that Britain feels should be reconised by the entire country.The reason i take so much attraction to this show is because although it shows adult success it also shows children and teenagers.Their is one story that catches my attention evertime and i enjoy listening to, the people in this story are no longer teenagers but during the time a couple of them were, this is the story of "Britains Finest Hour", this was when teenagers teachers British people in general took to the skies to wade of horde's of German pilots.This is such a reconised historical momment for Britain a moment to be proud of because most of these pilots as i said were teenagers with only a couple of weeks or days training, but these people shown selfless acts of bravery.I feel this is important because it completely shows the opposite of stereotype i have found out so far in my research.
Another story shown in this program this year (2010) was the story of a young child who was born with cancer in one eye, he caarried on his life, until he lost his other eye when cancer came back, but he still never gave up as he carried on life determined not to miss out, he skies,abisails and soes plenty more activities.
This is going to be a program i will anylse in more detail as it is key to my information.
This site gives a brief description of each person who was presented with a award of this evening in 2010.

Tuesday, 4 January 2011

Research 12

A site i found on the internet i thought was quite interesting
I feel this is a good site to look at as it shows diffrent betrails of teens in the media.So i feel for this reason it is helpful to me because if i am to promote a positive image i will need to no stereotype which this site will help me with.

My Research 11

I have been looking at another article about crime, this article is stating that the prime minster Brown was looking at tackleing knife crime, this shows that the media know about teenage crime due to the goverment acknowlegeing it, this data could be bad as it is old.

Research 10

Statistics about my local area (Liverpool) and comparison to britain as a whole.

Research 9

I think its shocking the way that teenagers are betrayed in the news, teenagers spend alot of time studying, is that so hard to be believe.My point is that yes you hear about teenage gun crime but you also hear about teenagers paaing their GCSE and other important exams, and what is said by some people is that the exams are getting easier, my opinon is not that they have got easier education has improved.For example a bbc article

Is that how bad stereotyping is got about teenagers that now they are not aloowed to congradulated through the media for a succes arnt they guareteed atleast one postive image?

Research 8

On the TV there are many steareotyped images of teenagers, is this were teenagers get there reputation from of being troublesome, or is it simply a true repesentation of teens.For example vicky pollard a actor that is known for her humour because of her repsentation of teenagers.,r:0,s:0
For example a scene that vicky pollard is in.
This video is a good example because it shows many of ways in which we know that teenagers are repesented in the media. For example this scene shows the use of theft,bad language,lies and the use of languae used (accent). So i feel that this show is humorous but does not give the greatest view of teenagers in the media as i believe only a small proportion of teenagers are like this.